Monday 3 December 2012

Making a Vest

I created a new Adobe Illistrator document A4 size. To help me draw the vest i used a ruler, so the top and the bottom would be in line. I made half of the vest by using the pen tool and altered it using the Direct Selection Tool. Before I used the reflection tool i had to average the vertice 'centre front' anchor points. I clicked on "Object" "Path" "Average" a dialogue box appeared and i selected verticle and press "OK". I reflected it to get the same thing on the other side using the reflection tool in  the tool box, i reflected it horizontally and i pressed "copy" so i have two of the same but facing opposite. When I copied it, it copied on top of each other, so i press "Shift" and dragged the reflected vest and placed it where the two points joined on the neck line. By pressing the shift key it keeps the object in line.
To keep the garment as one piece i sected the neck line, so is clicked on "Objebt "Path" "Average" "Both". I then clicked on "Object" Path" "Join" and selected corner in the dialogue box. I did the same to the bottom of the vest.
The vest has a V neck to make it rounder i used the Direct Selection Tool and i clicked and draged the point on the neck line to make it rounder.
 I made the trousers using the same principles.


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