Friday 14 December 2012


I opened Adobe Illustrator and designed this character.
I started off with a Rounded Rectangle Tool an d drew the body of the character. I then drew an arm in the area i wanted it to be on the body using the Ellipse Tool and reflected it by selecting the arm and double clicked on the Reflect Tool. A dialogue box opened. I then chose "Vertical" and clicked "Copy". I selected the copied arm, and i pressed hold of the Shift key and i move the arm to the other side so i have two arms in level.

I did the feet using the Rectangle Tool and a Rounded Rectangle Tool. Then I grouped them both "Object" "Group". I  reflected it and did the same as the arms.
I drew the eyes using the Ellipse Tool. I drew one black eye and a smaller white eye. i grouped them and copied and pasted it then i move it across using the Shift key.
I drew the mouth using the Rectangle Tool and colored it red. To do the teeth, I selected Rectangle Tool and drew a square, i rotated it by double clicking the rotate tool and change the degree to 45 degree. Using the Delete Anchor Point Tool and delete the top point of the square, the shape was changed to a triangle. Copy paste the triangle and place it side by side to the first triangle. Grouped them two together and copy and pasted them and placed them side by side, and then grouped them again. I then reflected the top teeth by selecting the teeth and double clicked the reflect tool and selected     Horizontal and "Copy". I then moved the teeth down to where i wanted it.
I did the flower using the Ellipse Tool and I clicked on "Effect" 'Distort and Transform" "Pucker and Bloat" and I moved the arrow toward "bloat" and it gives a flower type effect.


I scanned this image by scanning my work in the scanner. My scan opened in Image Capture. I then renamed my scan and kept the image to jpeg and saved it where I wanted it to be saved, then i pressed scan. I could also select the area I wanted from my scan by adjusting the dotted rectangles that appear when the work is scanned, so i cropped it and got a closer image of branches as u can see.

Half Drop Repeat

Block Repeat
I opened one of the file i was working with an changed the resolution to 150dpi and the image size to 5cm x 5cm. I then selected all of my image by clicking "Select" "Select All".
I clicked on "Edit" "Define Pattern" and i gave my pattern a name.
I changed the size of my canvas by "Image" "Canvas Size" and entered a width of 20cm x 25cm. (clicked "OK". To see the whole of the canvas i clicked "View" "Fit ON Screen".
To fill the canvas with pattern I clicked "Edit" "Fill with Pattern" and chose the files name i had named. I saved my work.

Half Drop Repeat
I selected the 2nd column "View" "Show "Grid", then "View" "Snap To" "Grid". i dropped the column half a block. I did the sane to the 4th column.
I then re-sized the rectangle marquee tool to 5cm x 5cm so that i can select just one block. Once i selected the block, i copied and pasted that block onto the gap in the canvas. when i pasted the block it pasted on to of another block, so i flattened the image "Layer" ""Flatten Image". i saved the file gave a name "Half Drop Repeat". I wanted to change the colour of the image so i clicked on "Image" "Adjustments" "Hue/Saturation".

Friday 7 December 2012

Making a Template

I chose a mannequin from the internet and save it to my documents. I opened a new document in Illustrator and placed the image "File" "Place" and chose the image.
I opened the layers palette "Windows" "Layers". I double clicked on Layer 1 and dialogue box appeared and entred a name for the layer "Template" and then I clicked on "Template"  and pressed "OK". The layer was automaticlly locked.
I then created a new layer by clicking the icon at the bottom of the layers palette. I double clicked on layer 2 and renamed it "Drawing". Before I started drawing I selected the Pen tool and changed the fill in the tool box no fill and the stroke to black. i drew all the way around the template and closed the path (or shape) so it would be complete. I altered my drwaing, using the Direct Selection tool, to get the exact shape of the body. I then gave the drawing skin colour e.g Cream.I deleted the image from the Template layer because i no more needed that image.

Facial Features

I did the hair using the Ellipse tool and drew a circle. I then opened the brushes "Windows" "Brushes" and i chose one of the brushes.
I did the lips using the pen tool. I first drew the top lip (giving it a redish colour) and altering in into the right shape. Then i reflected it and grouped it together.

I did the eye shape using the pen tool and did eye lashes and the eye brow using the pencil tool.

Monday 3 December 2012

Dressing the Mannequin

I opened my drawing of the mannequin (Body Outline). I then opened the layers palette "Windows" "Layers". I made a new layer called "Dressing". Using the pen tool i drew dresses (some similar to the ones i drew in my sketch book). I then altered the dress using the Direct Selection tool.


I opened the pain vest i had created into a new document. I clicked on "File" "Place" and i chose a design from my documents. To make transfer my vest in front of the pattern, I selected the vest and clicked on "Object" Arrange" "Bring to Front". Then I moved the vest onto the pattern where i wanted it to be placed, so that my vest has some design, I did this with the selection tool.
I wanted it to mak my vest so i clicked on "Object" "Clipping Mask" "Make".

Making a Button

I used the "Ellipse" tool to draw a circle, with the same tool I clicked the centre piont of the first circle. I clicked and dragged the second circle making it slightly smaller than the first circle, holding the shift key and the alt key whilst i dragged it. I then created a small circle for the button holes. I copied and pasted the small circle and used the selection tool, i moved it to the right side by pressing shift and alt keys to keep it in line. i selected the two circles and copied and pasted them and moved then down using the same principles. I then grouped the small circles together by selecting all the circles and clicking on "Object" "Group".I selected the 4 small circles and the two outer circles and I opened the Align palette "Widows" "Align". Under align objects I clicked verticle align centre and horizontal align centre. I then grouped all the circles together.

Top Stitching

I opened one the vest i had mede in AdobeIllustrator. I started off by duplicating the layer, so i opened the layers palette and i clicked on the options menu in the corner and selected duplicate layer. I double clicked on "Layer 1 copy" and chaned the name to "Details" layer and changed the stroke colour to green. I locked the other layer i did not want to change anything on that layer.
On the "details" layer, using the pen tool, i clicked onece above the outer hem line at the left hand side. I pressed hold of the shift key and clicked the same distance above the outer hem line on the right hand side. I selected the line i created by using the black selection arrow. i gave this line a black stroke and no fill colour. i opened the stroke palette "Window "Stroke". I made the "Dash line" visible by ticking the box next to it. I typed 2 pt in the dash and gap, and changed the cap style to Round Cap to give a more stitched look.
To put stitch details on the arm hole and the neck line, i used the scissor tool to cut the line at the top and the bottom of the arm holes and each side of the neck line. I selecte the neck line moved it down to where i wanted it using the arrows on the key board.  the lines were smaller so i used the Direct Selection tool to alter the line. I typed 2 pt in the Dash and gap and gave a round cap. I did the same to the arm holes.

Making a Vest

I created a new Adobe Illistrator document A4 size. To help me draw the vest i used a ruler, so the top and the bottom would be in line. I made half of the vest by using the pen tool and altered it using the Direct Selection Tool. Before I used the reflection tool i had to average the vertice 'centre front' anchor points. I clicked on "Object" "Path" "Average" a dialogue box appeared and i selected verticle and press "OK". I reflected it to get the same thing on the other side using the reflection tool in  the tool box, i reflected it horizontally and i pressed "copy" so i have two of the same but facing opposite. When I copied it, it copied on top of each other, so i press "Shift" and dragged the reflected vest and placed it where the two points joined on the neck line. By pressing the shift key it keeps the object in line.
To keep the garment as one piece i sected the neck line, so is clicked on "Objebt "Path" "Average" "Both". I then clicked on "Object" Path" "Join" and selected corner in the dialogue box. I did the same to the bottom of the vest.
The vest has a V neck to make it rounder i used the Direct Selection Tool and i clicked and draged the point on the neck line to make it rounder.
 I made the trousers using the same principles.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Block Repeat

How I did the Block Repeat

I opened Photoshop and opened one of files i was working with. I then changed the size of the image to 5cm by 5cm with a resolution of 150dpi. I wanted to select all of my image so I pressed 'Select' 'Select All'.

I changed the size of my page by clicking 'Image; 'Canvas Size' and entered a width of 20cm x 25cm. then i pressed 'Ok'.

To fill my page with the same image I went to 'Edit' 'Fill with Pattern' and i clicked on the name of the pattern i was working with.

I changed the colour from red to pink
by choosing the 'Magic Wand' tool
and selected the the pixels that I wanted to change.
I then went to 'Image' 'Adjustments' 'Hue Sarturation'
and chose the colour I wanted.