Friday 14 December 2012


I opened Adobe Illustrator and designed this character.
I started off with a Rounded Rectangle Tool an d drew the body of the character. I then drew an arm in the area i wanted it to be on the body using the Ellipse Tool and reflected it by selecting the arm and double clicked on the Reflect Tool. A dialogue box opened. I then chose "Vertical" and clicked "Copy". I selected the copied arm, and i pressed hold of the Shift key and i move the arm to the other side so i have two arms in level.

I did the feet using the Rectangle Tool and a Rounded Rectangle Tool. Then I grouped them both "Object" "Group". I  reflected it and did the same as the arms.
I drew the eyes using the Ellipse Tool. I drew one black eye and a smaller white eye. i grouped them and copied and pasted it then i move it across using the Shift key.
I drew the mouth using the Rectangle Tool and colored it red. To do the teeth, I selected Rectangle Tool and drew a square, i rotated it by double clicking the rotate tool and change the degree to 45 degree. Using the Delete Anchor Point Tool and delete the top point of the square, the shape was changed to a triangle. Copy paste the triangle and place it side by side to the first triangle. Grouped them two together and copy and pasted them and placed them side by side, and then grouped them again. I then reflected the top teeth by selecting the teeth and double clicked the reflect tool and selected     Horizontal and "Copy". I then moved the teeth down to where i wanted it.
I did the flower using the Ellipse Tool and I clicked on "Effect" 'Distort and Transform" "Pucker and Bloat" and I moved the arrow toward "bloat" and it gives a flower type effect.


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